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Case Studies
Case Study 1
Case Study 2
Case Study 3
Case Study 4
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Case Studies - Case Study #1

Client Needs: Client has an existing legacy software package that needs to be converted to a Windows-based environment. Client does not have the expertise in-house to perform such a conversion and client is losing sales without a Windows application.
Why DilMad: Client does not have the expertise in-house to write an Object-oriented application. DilMad was asked to build the client a Windows application suitable for resale.
Solution: After evaluating the existing software, DilMad reccommended starting from scratch. The team created a detailed specification of the application and a plan for building and implementing it in an aggressive timeline. The resulting application was nominated 3 times in a two-year timespan for a Microsoft Excellence Award.
Client Satisfaction: Client is extremely satisfied with the resulting application and DilMad is already working on client's next version of the software: Another re-write with a different set of specifications for large-enterprise business.
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