White Papers
Querying XML Data Directly from SQL Server 2000
By :Travis Vandersypen
XML is quickly becoming the preferred method of passing information, not only for the internet,
but also across applications, and even within the same application. Until now, developers have
been forced to create proprietary routines to convert data stored within a database system into XML.
With the release of SQL Server 2000, however, the potential exists to query data directly from
SQL Server into XML format.
Leveraging the Power of Intellisense
By :Travis Vandersypen
This white paper explores the IntelliSense capabilities of Visual FoxPro 7 and how you can extend the
functionality in the event additional functionality is required or may be helpful. It discusses what the
IntelliSense features of Visual FoxPro 7 offer as well as how to configure the native features of
IntelliSense to provide more of what developers need.
A First Step to Understanding XML Schemas
By :Travis Vandersypen
Document Type Definitions have generated quite a few complaints since they were introduced. As a result,
the W3C set about creating a new standard for defining a document's structure. What they the W3C created is
something even more complex and flexible than DTDs: the XML Schema Definition Language...